All Therapeutic Massage
"Where the Treatment Matters"

About Me


"Why did you get into Massage Therapy?" Like most therapists, that's the number one question I'm asked. Like with all things, there's a short and long answer. The short, I love to help people. There's no bigger reward than a client saying they feel better, or they give you a hug after a session. I come from a long line of helpful people. Those influences and the deep emotional rewards that come from serving others is what led me to Massage Therapy.

I grew up in a small town (literally, our first stop light was installed in the mid 90's when I was in high school, and the second was installed in 2013) where everyone knew everyone, and most of my teachers also taught my parents. I knew I couldn't be a nurse like my mother. Sticking people with needles just wasn't my idea of a fun career. Something inside me just knew I was meant for Massage Therapy. After high school, I worked retail for a long time. But I never let go of my desire to return to school.

In 2011, my boyfriend (now my husband) and I took all of our savings and invested in my training. I enrolled in American Institute of Massage in Richmond. I was a manager working 46+ hours a week and going to night school 20-30 hours a week and completing clinical hours. It was tough to say the least. But anything you are passionate about is worth the sacrifice. I graduated in 2012 and immediately took and passed my national boards test.

I worked for a couple salons and realized I wasn't able to do the kind of work I truly wanted to do. Massage is relaxing and it does feel great, but it's also very healing. The great thing about Massage Therapy is there are so many avenues that one can specialize in! I was blessed with family and friends who were willing to be my guinea pig while I honed my craft and realized where my passion would be most suited.

I partnered with a classmate and we rented a small studio together. Working for yourself isn't easy. But we worked tirelessly to realize our dream. Soon another classmate joined us. Since then we have all grown our businesses and have gone our separate ways chasing the next chapter.

I'm not sure what I would do if I couldn't do Massage Therapy. It has impacted my life in so many positive ways. I have continued my education and have specialized certifications in Medical Massage, Infant Massage, Pregnancy Massage, Massage Doula, MediCupping™, Lymphatic Drainage, Post Op Lymphatic Drainage and body conturing, and AromaTouch Technique. I thank you for taking the time to read my bio and I look forward to meeting you very soon.